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Wednesday, January 24, 2018 1:00 PM

Detect Sepsis Early and Save Lives—This Webinar Shows You How

Written by Mark H. Johnson, MHA, RN-BC, CPHIMS, FHIMSS, Vice President, Sales and Marketing - iatricSystems


Sepsis is a life-threatening medical emergency, and the leading cause of death in U.S. hospitals. It can escalate very quickly — patient mortality increases by 8% every hour treatment is delayed1. We're hosting a webinar to show how your hospital can detect and treat sepsis early, and save patient lives. You can register here.

Vigilance Is Hard When Dealing with Sepsis
While recognizing early signs of sepsis and intervening promptly can have a dramatic impact on outcomes, many hospitals find the challenge daunting. Specific labs and vital signs have to be reviewed by clinical staff, who need to make the correct diagnosis and start treatment within specific time windows.

Given nurses’ typical workload, keeping track of all the contributing factors and manually calculating changes in patient status is almost impossible. Meanwhile the patient could be deteriorating, with potentially devastating consequences. This scenario plays out in hospitals constantly.

Reduce Sepsis Mortality Rates at Your Hospital
Rather than trying to manually evaluate vital signs, labs, and problems, there’s now a tool, called Sepsis Management™, that does it for you automatically. It continually monitors clinical data of all patients for signs of sepsis (even outside of the ED); weighs contributing factors in real time, and immediately alerts clinicians so they can intervene quickly.

See It in Action
Join us on January 31 at 2:00 p.m. ET in a webinar to learn how Sepsis Management works and watch a demonstration. You’ll learn about capabilities that improve sepsis outcomes and save patient lives, including:

  • Automatic, real-time tracking of clinical data to identify early signs of sepsis, even in areas outside the ED
  • Immediate alerts to clinical staff when changes require attention right away
  • A database of all sepsis data that enables ongoing improvements in patient care
  • Continual scoring of patients across the sepsis continuum, from negative to sepsis shock

As many as 80% of sepsis deaths can be prevented with early diagnosis and treatment2. Join us on January 31 and discover how you can change the sepsis trajectory in your hospital.



1, 2 Sepsis Alliance, Sepsis Fact Sheet