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Monday, September 26, 2016 12:00 PM

I.V. Smart Pumps Roundtable Article

Written by Laurie Blount, Director of Medical Device Integration, Iatric Systems

Earlier this month, TechNation magazine interviewed several industry experts about important qualities to consider when purchasing smart pumps. Prevention of medication errors, wireless connectivity, and ease of use were among the top options listed.  

You can access TechNation’s online article here.

Although it’s geared mostly toward biomedical engineers (TechNation focuses on the biomed community), it contains lots of details that nursing and information technology staff will find interesting, too. For example, the article outlines many of the benefits of new smart pumps, including:

  • Barcoding for positive patient identification and confirmation of proper medications
  • Centralized drug libraries that can be maintained wirelessly
  • Safer dosage calculations that provide built-in enforcement of dosing guidelines
  • Ability to communicate with the hospital’s EHR
  • Reporting and trending capabilities

It also has sections dedicated to cybersecurity and bi-directional integration with EHRs.


When I demonstrate Accelero Connect® I'm often asked, “Which smart pumps do you recommend?” The good news is that Accelero Connect is vendor-neutral. It will connect with any smart pumps that follow IHE PCD interoperability standards. So since we’re vendor-neutral, I thought I’d share some experts’ advice by sharing the TechNation article. I hope you find it helpful.

P.S. If you’d like to learn more about IHE PCD standards, read our October, 2015, blog post entitled, How IHE Simplifies Medical Device Connectivity, or watch our on-demand webinar entitled, How IHE is Advancing Medical Device Connectivity.